Global Clinical and Translational Research (GCAT-R, ISSN 2641-7154; e-ISSN 2643-8151) is a new peer-reviewed, a multidisciplinary scientific journal dedicated to publishing articles regarding all areas of clinical and translational research in humans, animals or plants. The journal aims to promote a unified platform on research communications for basic scientists, medical doctors, clinical and health professionals, social scientists and social workers to share the most recent advances in all areas of clinical and translational sciences, from a global perspective of genomic, environmental and social medicine, which may help to achieve precision medicine and health. For more details, see the editorial (Hughes and Zhang, 2019).
Detailed Information
Editor-in-Chief: Claude Hughes, MD PhD.
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Donald Mattison, MD; David St Clair, MD PhD; Fengyu Zhang, MSMed, PhD, MS.
Assistant Editor: Lily L Qin, PhD, J Ou, MD, PhD
Editorial Assistant: P Chaudhary, MBBS
Global Clinical and Translational Research Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA
Mailing Address: 10421 Motor City Dr., #341195, Bethesda, MD 20817, USA
Abstracted/Indexed in
Crossref: 10.36316/gcatr; Google Scholar; Microsoft Academic; ResearchGate; Publons; SemanicScholar; The Library of Congress; WorldCat; ScienceGate.
Aim and Scopes
Global Clinical and Translational Research is process of turning observations in the laboratory, clinic, environment and community, and social policy into intervention research that improve the health of individuals and the public — from diagnostics and therapeutics to medical procedures and behavioral changes (revised based on ncats.nih.gov).
The journal accepts original research articles, reviews, perspective, mini-reviews, case reports, short notes, short report, and rapid communications covering all aspects of clinical and translational research. Papers about novel applications of statistical methods or data science are also welcomed. Specific fields of the papers to be published include but not limited to
- Clinical research in human or animals, including identification of genetic or molecular markers associated with diseases or traits that have clinical implications.
- Translational research based on clinical research findings. For example, research findings provide evidence for health professionals to improve human health conditions (T1 translational research), and provide targets for basic scientists to study the biological mechanism (T2 translational research);
- Clinical trials to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment including pharmacological and non-pharmacological approach such as traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), with a molecular study to identify biomarkers that could be used to evaluate effectiveness.
- Molecular and genetic medicine.
- Methodology papers that improve study design, statistical analysis.
- Population-based survey and social research on human health and disease.
- Environment and human health, including positive and harmful physical and social environment, dietary factors and lifestyle, and ecological factors.
- Negative results (from a well-design clinical trial, but no positive result is found).
- Clinical and translational research protocols.
We also publish commentary, conference and workshop summary, and letter to the editor related to articles recently published in our journal. Editorial is for invited only.
Data Briefs
Instead of adding Tables and Figures as supplementary material, we publish summary statistics of negative results in Table and Figure with adequate annotations, which will be published immediately after the main paper is accepted. The publication under Date Brief will be treated as a formal publication.
- Clinical trials: Table for negative findings, demographic table.
- Genome-wide association study. If not genome-wide significant findings, we will publish the QQ plot, Manhattan plot for each phenotype, top list of SNPs.
- Expression data, omics data.
- Retrospective analysis of clinical data for hypothesis generating.