
Clinical Epidemiology of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Open Access

--Defined on Current Research

Fengyu Zhang and Claude Hughes

July 25, 2020


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a new infectious respiratory disease that has caused the ongoing global pandemic. The primary purpose of this article is to describe evolving clinical epidemiology of COVID-19, including 1) infection and testing, 2) clinical spectrum including classification of clinical type, asymptomatic cases, severe cases and comorbidity, and clinical and immunological response, 3) regional variation in clinical presentation, 4) population distribution by age, sex, and occupation, and finally, 5) case-fatality. This content may provide important information on detailed clinical type and presentation of the disease, in which appropriate clinical outcomes can be derived for developing prevention strategies and clinical studies or trials that aim to test potential therapeutics or products for different patient populations.


Clinical epidemiology; COVID-19; SARS-CoV2

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Zhang F and Hughes C. Clinical epidemiology of coronavirus disease 2019: defined on current research. Glob Clin Transl Res. 2020; 2 (3): 54-72. DOI:10.36316/gcatr.02.0032


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