Ecological Analysis of Gastroschisis Incidence Decline in
Liaoning, China, 2006-2016 Open Access
Ruiping Liu, Fengyu
Zhang, Claude Hughes, Jianxin Li
November 20, 2020
Background: A gastroschisis incidence decline has
recently been reported in Liaoning, China, from 2006-2015; we suspect that this
decline could be associated with the fall in industrial manufacturing
Methods: The outcome variable, gastroschisis
incidence, was from a previously published report. The industrial manufacturing
activities were measured by relative job
participation and production in the primary and secondary economic sectors, and
the corresponding data were collected in 14 cities from 2005 to 2015. The
general linear model and a random-effect Poisson regression model were
performed to assess the association and time-series trend of gastroschisis with
the manufacturing activities.
Results: The relative job participation in the first
economic sector was marginally associated with gastroschisis incidence in 2006
(p=0.070), but more significantly associated (Beta=-0.040; p=0.014) in the cross-sectional and time-series analysis with
one-year lag in the outcome variable.
Conclusion: The gastroschisis incidence decline in
Liaoning is likely due to the reduced job participation in
manufacturing and heavy industry, which might be an indication of reduced risk
exposure associated with the industrial manufacturing activities.
incidence, ecological analysis, random-effect Poisson regression model, job
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Liu R, Zhang F,
C Hughes C, Li J. Ecological Analysis
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