
First submission

  • A cover letter is required to state that the manuscript is not considered for a publication elsewhere.
  • Names and contact information of a few suggested reviewers would facilitate the process of peer-review. 
  • Please combine all manuscript materials into one file.
  • Click Submission

Revision and resubmission

  • This may include files for response to reviewer’s comments and revised manuscript.
  • Click Resubmission

Please be noted, when you complete a submission, you should receive a confirmation email, please just reply to that email, to make sure the editorial office has your email address to avoid inappropriately spamming.


All submissions to the journal will be considered for a publication under 1) authors assign copyright to the journal or 2) if the author chooses to open access under the Creative Commons Attribution License which allows anyone to copy, distribute or reuse the articles by properly citing the author and the original source. See more information at Kindly remind that preparation of your manuscript should follow the Instruction for authors.

Reviewer report

Reviewer may submit evaluation form here